Most Active Buyers of Medical Office Buildings Last Year

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Here are a few interesting highlights from a recently released Revista report detailing medical office building transaction activities last year involving three types of investors – Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), Private Investors, and Hospitals and Health Systems.

Real Estate Investment Trusts bought $7.2 billion worth of medical office buildings (MOB) in 2017, which comprised 45.8% of the total MOB purchases in 2017.

Private Investors accounted for $5.2 billion in MOB purchases last year but sold $7.0 billion worth of medical office buildings which equaled a net disposition of -$1.8 billion during the last calendar year.

Hospitals and Health Systems sold medical office buildings totaling approximately $1.5 billion in value to REITs last year, which represented an increase of 47% over the $1 billion sold the previous year.



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