Should Physicians Own Their Own Medical Office Building?

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As physicians strive to build successful medical practices, the decision of whether to lease or own the building where they practice becomes a crucial consideration. The choice carries financial implications, management responsibilities, and long-term planning. In this article, we will explore the key factors that physicians should consider when deciding whether to own their own medical office building.

Financial Benefits and Equity:

One of the primary advantages of owning a medical office building is the potential for financial gain. As a physician-owner, you have the opportunity to build equity and potentially benefit from the appreciation in property value over time. This not only provides a sense of long-term stability but can also serve as a valuable asset for retirement planning.

Furthermore, owning a medical office building offers potential tax advantages. Tax deductions for mortgage interest, property taxes, and depreciation expenses can significantly impact your overall financial situation. These benefits can contribute to optimizing your tax strategy while further bolstering your financial position.

Control and Customization:

Another compelling reason for physicians to own their medical office building is the level of control it provides over their practice environment. When you own the building, you have the freedom to customize the space to meet your specific needs and preferences. This includes the ability to incorporate specialized equipment, expand your practice, or create a patient-centered atmosphere that aligns with your vision.

Moreover, owning your medical office building ensures greater stability in terms of lease agreements. You are no longer at the mercy of rent increases or the possibility of a non-renewal by your landlord. This stability can lead to a stronger sense of security and allow you to focus on providing exceptional patient care.

Responsibilities and Costs:

It is important to acknowledge that owning a medical office building comes with additional responsibilities and costs. As a physician-owner, you must assume the duties of property management, including maintenance, repairs, and upgrades. While this affords you greater control, it also demands your attention and resources to ensure the smooth functioning of your facility.

Additionally, unexpected expenses can arise, such as repairs or upgrades, for which you bear the full financial burden. It is crucial to carefully assess your financial situation and consider the potential costs associated with owning a medical office building. Planning for contingencies is essential to avoid any unwelcome surprises that could impact your practice’s financial stability.

Long-Term Plans and Decision-Making:

When contemplating the decision to own a medical office building, physicians must evaluate their long-term plans. If you intend to remain in the same location and practice for an extended period, owning the building can be a wise investment. It offers stability, potential financial benefits, and the ability to shape your practice environment to align with your professional goals.

However, if you anticipate relocating or retiring in the near future, leasing a space might be more advantageous. Leasing provides flexibility and allows you to focus on patient care without the added responsibilities of property ownership. Assessing your future plans and considering the potential impact on your practice is crucial in making an informed decision.

Partnering with a Healthcare Real Estate Specialist:

When faced with the question of whether to own your own medical office building, it is essential to seek guidance from professionals who specialize in healthcare real estate. An expert brokerage, such as HBRE, can provide invaluable support and expertise throughout the decision-making process. Our deep market knowledge, valuable resources, and powerful insights can help you navigate the complexities of healthcare real estate and maximize the value of your investment.

Sometimes, it helps to paint a picture. Let’s dive into a real-life scenario that illustrates the benefits of owning a medical office building:

Dr. Smith, a talented and dedicated physician, has been practicing in a leased medical office space for several years. Over time, she has built a thriving practice with a loyal patient base. However, as her lease renewal approaches, she begins to contemplate the idea of owning her own medical office building.

Dr. Smith envisions a practice that reflects her commitment to patient care and provides an environment tailored to her specialty. She dreams of expanding her services by incorporating cutting-edge technology and offering additional treatment options to her patients. Unfortunately, the limitations of her current leased space hinder her ability to fully realize these aspirations.

After careful consideration, Dr. Smith decides to explore the option of owning her medical office building. She partners with HBRE, a leading healthcare real estate brokerage, to guide her through the process. With their expertise, Dr. Smith begins to navigate the complexities of healthcare real estate.

HBRE thoroughly assesses Dr. Smith’s specific needs, long-term goals, and financial situation. They conduct a comprehensive market analysis, identifying suitable properties and evaluating their potential for appreciation. Through their extensive network and knowledge of healthcare real estate, HBRE uncovers a prime location that aligns perfectly with Dr. Smith’s vision.

Dr. Smith is thrilled to discover that owning her medical office building offers numerous advantages. First and foremost, it provides her with full control over the practice environment. She can now customize the space to create a warm, inviting atmosphere for her patients. By incorporating state-of-the-art equipment and modern design elements, she elevates the patient experience, instilling a sense of confidence and trust.

Furthermore, as a property owner, Dr. Smith enjoys the stability and financial benefits of building equity over time. HBRE assists her in securing favorable financing options that accommodate her financial situation and minimize upfront costs. They also educate her on the tax advantages of owning a medical office building, helping her maximize deductions and optimize her overall financial strategy.

As Dr. Smith settles into her new medical office building, she realizes the significant impact it has on her practice. Patients appreciate the modern, comfortable environment, and word-of-mouth referrals increase. Dr. Smith’s ability to expand services and incorporate advanced technologies further distinguishes her practice from competitors, attracting even more patients.

Moreover, owning her medical office building provides Dr. Smith with peace of mind and long-term stability. She no longer worries about potential rent increases or the uncertainty of lease renewals. With HBRE’s ongoing support, she navigates property management responsibilities seamlessly, ensuring the facility remains in top condition.

Dr. Smith’s decision to own her medical office building proves to be a transformative experience. She has not only secured a valuable asset but also created a practice environment that reflects her professionalism and dedication to patient care. With the guidance of HBRE, Dr. Smith has successfully navigated the complexities of healthcare real estate and positioned herself for continued success.


Owning a medical office building offers physicians like Dr. Smith the opportunity to shape their practice environment, build equity, and enjoy long-term stability. It allows them to provide exceptional patient care while maximizing financial benefits. However, making this decision requires careful consideration of individual circumstances, long-term plans, and financial capabilities.

Partnering with a specialized healthcare real estate brokerage like HBRE is essential to navigate the complexities of owning a medical office building successfully. With their expertise and dedication, HBRE empowers physicians to make informed decisions, maximize the value of their investment, and create a practice environment that reflects their professional vision.

Take the first step toward enhancing the value of your medical office building and exploring healthcare real estate opportunities by reaching out to us today at [email protected]. Together, we can drive your success in the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare real estate.

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